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Effecting Change

Following the sudden death of her mother Cindy Yuille, during a shooting incident in the Clackamas Town Center mall last December, Jenna Passalacqua has been advocating for new stricter gun laws in the U.S. She often visits the capital in Salem, Oregon, to speak with the lawmakers while also testifying in various gun safety related bills by sharing her heartbreaking story. She also works with multiple organizations including Meyers Against Illegal Guns and the Brady Campaign to further the national conversation about gun violence in the U.S. This film documents how this University of Oregon, graduate is putting her journalism degree to work and pursuing her passion for politics by actively participating in the national gun debate to make a difference and honor her mother’s cherished memories.

Effecting Change

Following the sudden death of her mother Cindy Yuille, during a shooting incident in the Clackamas Town Center mall last December, Jenna Passalacqua has been advocating for new stricter gun laws in the U.S. She often visits the capitol in Salem, Ore., to speak with the lawmakers while also testifying in various gun safety related bills by sharing her heartbreaking story. She also works with multiple organizations, including Meyers Against Illegal Guns and the Brady Campaign to further the national conversation about gun violence in the U.S.         

Produced by Miral Bessed