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Good Man

When Jake Tompkins and his 10-year-old son, Kyle, go hunting it’s more about the adventure than it is about the sport. When they hunt, the duo routinely makes bets­­ for chicken gizzards and soda. Sharing the experience of hunting is a way for Jake and Kyle to bond, but also an avenue for support and respect. Both Jake and his son have hereditary, spastic paraplegia, which makes it difficult for them to walk. Their disability does not prevent them from living a normal life, but it does cause them to rely on each other for many tasks. Sometimes when they hunt, they are forced to crawl through the brush, if walking is too challenging of a task. Hunting together is way for Jake to teach his son life lessons, and place of normality. Video produced by Ariane Kunze

Good Man

When Jake Tompkins and his 10-year-old son, Kyle, go hunting it’s more about the adventure than it is about the sport. When they hunt, the duo routinely makes bets­­ for chicken gizzards and soda. Sharing the experience of hunting is a way for Jake and Kyle to bond, but also an avenue for support and respect.

Produced by Ariane Kunze